18 lbs 4 oz

Adventures in first time parents.
We're heading up to the cottage again this weekend, a little older and a little wiser. (I can't believe my 29th birthday is on Thursday! And my Mr. Man will be 1 month old!). We hope to put together the old crib and then move the playpen downstairs again for afternoon naps and changes. It should be fun! Matthew's big cousins can't wait to see him again and watch the "big show" of the diaper change. Oh how fun everything is when you are 6!
(OK, so the flash makes this look beige, but I swear it's yellow)
That's right folks, a tennis ball. I keep this puppy in my purse so I can stick it behind my back when I drive. I pull it out to use at my chair at work. I bring this with me everywhere! It's surprising to me that as uncomfortable as leaning on a tennis ball is, it feels sooooooo much better than the stabbing, radiating, burning nerve pain my little one is causing me. This miracle cure will be with me in labour and delivery as well, you can rest assured.
In honour of my 35/35 milestone, here is my weekly bump picture. I took this last night on our way to our breastfeeding class. Boy I wish I had worn this dress all day. Had I known it was going to be 28 C and HUMID, I wouldn't have worn pants to work. Live and learn I suppose!
I have also started to work on some more baby shower thank you cards. I'm feeling the pressure to get them done, so instead of scrapbooking on Friday like I usually do, I'll be card making! Hey, paper crafting is paper crafting right? I love these ones I made using the stamps I bought on sale. I made 10 of them and still have another 15 or so to go. I have to mix up my cards, or I'll get bored. I don't know quite what my 3rd set of cards will look like, but I'll be sure to post them here!