How did we get here? And how did I forget to post his 3 month stats? Oy. He's getting sooooo big. He as always loves to look around at everything, but now he's looking more carefully at his toys and even trying to grab them. He's rolling over back to front more often and still getting very upset when he's successful as he HATES being on his tummy. And we're getting busier. We joined a mommy group and trying to do meet ups once a week or so, we have Infant Mother Goose and start swimming lessons next week. Busy busy busy. Of course mommy is still pretty lazy. She still doesn't keep an immaculate house and her cooking certainly isn't improving, but hey, my baby is happy and healthy.
So here is my best uneducated guess at how much he weighs and how tall he is:
Weight: 15 lbs!!!
Height: 26 inches!!!
He is a big baby boy! Sure there are bigger, but he's MY big baby boy and I l
ove him to pieces. Here's his 3 month picture.

See, I told you he was big!