I was very pleased with my choice in dress for the occasion. It fit so nicely and I felt good in it. It feels good to get all dolled up every once in a while.

We had our second prenatal class last night. It was part 2 of 2 in the "Parenting and Postpartum" session. I took loads of notes because the information was very useful. The nurse told us all about the different appearances of newborns and what is normal, though weird looking, versus what we should be worried about. We practiced diapering and learned how to swaddle and bathe our teddy bear (the one from Germany with a belly button that R brought back for me). I was very pleased to learn that our hospital has a "rooming in only" policy and that our little one will be staying with me in the room at all times, including the first bath! They strongly believe that mom and baby need to bond and that the first thing baby should see when they are born is mom and dad! I'm so happy my hospital is so family centred and it made me more excited to go through this journey.
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